8:00am - boss informs us she is resigning
8:30am - director informs me that I will be shifting into a different position because of my boss resigning. My new job is more stressful and chaotic, without better pay.
9:00am - doctor calls to let me know that my X-Ray showed pneumonia in my left lung. Not too bad; only need to go back to deal with it if the antibiotics I'm already on don't fix it.
10:00am - Move all of my shit to another office for the rest of the day because my desk has been taken to another building. New desk arrives? Tomorrow.
11:00am - Kinkos messed up my order estimate. Instead of the total being $1392, it was $1865. 500 dollars? Kind of a big difference.
1:00pm - While vacuuming the floor where my desk used to be, I misstep and my Prada sandal breaks. Now I am semi-sans shoes. Cute. Temporarily fixed with two rubber bands and my soul:

I think today wins the stupid Monday award. Hmmm, maybe the stupid sexy Monday award. Rubber banded Prada? I don't care what J. Timberlake says: THAT shit brought sexy back!
And my foot is damn cute. So fresh and so clean clean!
I love today.