Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm one stomach flu away from my ideal weight

So a lot of people have been joking about wishing they could have a tonsillectomy to help them lose weight.

I weighed myself this morning: 151.5 pounds...

About a year and a half ago, I weighed 200 pounds. I have lost a quarter of my body weight! That's a bit ridiculous. I've only lost about 10-15 pounds with the tonsillectomy, but still.

I want to EAT so badly! I have compiled a list of foods, broken down by meal type, that I will be eating once I can eat again. And let me tell you, it is about as disgusting and unhealthy as humanly possible. The beauty of it all is that I don't care! Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Oh yeah, I lost my wits about 3 days ago. Just so you know. :)

I would take a picture and show you what my body looks like right now, but I can't imagine any of you want to see that. Amanda and Nikki, you haven't seen me in a while, so I imagine you would both be quite shocked at how skinny I am.


Kristin said...

blogger hates me and messed up my previous comment...
i'm really excited about your plans for eating, it should coincide nicely with my plans to eat everything that i can't get in indiana when i'm home for winter break. what fun we're going to have! and as a's almost 2008!

Unknown said...

Watch out honey! Anyone that skinny may blow away! Haha. I'm glad my blog is good entertainment for you. At least I know I have one blog fan!!!

Amanda said...

fuck 2007!!!